After attending liturgical minister training and being commissioned as a lector, one is free to volunteer to read at any Sunday or daily Mass.
Daily (weekday) Mass responsibilities and procedures
There will be a small table located at the back of the center isle of the sanctuary upon which can be found the daily Lectionary, the binder with the Prayers of the Faithful, hosts for communion, and collars for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.
Volunteering is done on a first come, first served basis. Simply take either the Lectionary binder or Prayers of the Faithful binder to volunteer to read for the Mass.
Go over the readings before proclaiming them before the assembly. If there are any difficult names of people or places, remember there is a pronunciation guide for Biblical word in the sacristy in the back of the Church.
Please use the microphone to proclaim both Scared Scripture and the Prayers of the Faithful.
Remember to reverence the Altar with a slight bow as you approach it.
There usually no need to reposition the microphone unless for some reason it is at a height which is over the top of your head. Our microphones are area mics, designed to pick up any sound in their area in which they are placed. They are not directional mics, or the type of which only picks up sounds which are directly spoken into them.
Always begin the first and or second reading with, “A reading from…” and end with, “The word of the Lord.”
When proclaiming the Responsorial Psalm, there is no need to announce it. People attending Mass know the Psalm is recited after the first reading. So, do not start by saying, “The Responsorial Psalm is,” or anything along those lines. Simply pause for a few moments after the first reading and begin with the response.
Remember to use the microphone for the Prayers of the Faithful.
Return the binders to the back table after Mass is complete.
Sunday Mass responsibilities and procedures
Make sure you are registered on Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) and provide your availability. The program will send you the times you are scheduled (and send you text reminders if you want) and let you know when replacements are needed.
Check the schedule often to see if ministers are needed for the Sunday Mass you are planning to attend. You can also go back to the sacristy before Mass starts and check to see if everything is covered.
Both daily and Sunday readings can be found by clicking the date on the calendar on the following USCCB webpage.
Make sure to read and practice your readings before Mass.
There is a biblical pronunciation in the sacristy.
Or, here is link to an online pronunciation guile which has .wav files so you can hear how the names are pronounced.
Arrive at least 15 minutes early and sign in at the sacristy. The sacristan or presiding priest will begin to look for a replacement for you (if you have not signed) 10 minutes before Mass starts. Please be early and sign in right away.
The Prayers of the Faithful (intentions) will be located on the table just outside the sacristy door. Pick up the binder and sign‐in at least 15 minutes before Mass starts.
During Mass
In general:
Make sure to pick a seat close to either the Ambo (Mass readings or Prayers of the Faithful) or the Commentators Stand (if you intend to read the Prayers of the Faithful there instead of at the Ambo).
Remember to take the aisle seat in your row.
If using the center aisle, walk down the middle of the aisle and remember to make a bow to show reverence to the Altar before heading to the Ambo. Repeat the bow at the same point in your return trip.
If using the aisle closest to the Ambo or Commentators Stand, pause in front of either and bow toward the Altar. Repeat the bow at the same point in your return trip.
First reader:
In the absence of a Deacon, you will join the entrance procession in between the servers and priest. You will carry the Book of the Gospels.
When the procession reaches the Altar steps, you continue straight up the stairs (without pausing or bowing yet) and place the Book of the Gospels on the stand on the Altar.
After placing the book on the stand, turn, descend to where the priest and servers are lined up across the front of the altar and join them. Bow with the priest(s) and servers.
After the bow, take your seat.
After the Collect (opening prayer), go to the Ambo (remember to reverence the Altar with a bow) and proclaim the first reading.
Do not bow to or reverence the lectionary or Ambo in any way. (The priest does so with the Gospels to reverence Christ’s special presence in the Word of the Gospel, but this does not happen with the Hebrew or Christian scripture readings.)
Once you are done proclaiming, pause, say, “The word of the Lord,” pause again for a moment, and then return to your seat. (Remember to reverence the Altar with a bow in the same place you did when arriving.)
NOTE – Only if you are doing both the 1st and 2nd readings. After completing the first reading, simply take a step back and find a seat near the Ambo with the choir. After the cantors sit down, return to the Ambo, pause, and begin the second reading. (Before returning to your seat, remember to place the Lectionary on the shelf on the brick wall directly in back of the Ambo.)
Second reader:
After the cantors have returned to their seat, proceed to the Ambo as described above and proclaim the second reading.
After you have completed by saying, “The word of the Lord,” pause, and before returning to your seat, remember to place the Lectionary on the shelf on the brick wall directly in back of the Ambo.
Reverence the Altar where you did upon arrival and return to your seat.
Prayers of the Faithful:
Remember to get the binder with prayers when you sign in.
During the Creed at the point where we say, “I believe in the Holy Spirit…” make your way to the Commentators Stand or Ambo. (As described above, remember to reverence the Altar.)
Read the prayer intentions after the priest reads the introduction.