Do you have credit card debt? Are you concerned about your financial situation? Do you have a plan to put money away at the beginning of your career for your future retirement?
According to the American Psychological Association (APA)’s Stress in America 2022 survey results, money is a major source of stress for 66% of adults, with 57% stating current expenses, such as food and rent, as their main source of money-related stress. The remaining 43% of this group state saving for the future as their main source of money-related stress.
There are over 2,500 verses in the Bible that deal with managing money and possessions. The Lord talked so much about money because he knew that from time to time, money problems would be a challenge for all of us. Stress and confusion in managing our money and possessions can impact our marriage, our family life, our happiness, and even our health. God loves and cares for us so deeply that he wants to equip us to make the wisest possible financial decisions.
Faith and Money Mattersis a 6-week program that teaches practical financial discipleship through a Catholic lens. Over the course of six weeks, you will learn how to:
Create a spending plan
Get out of crushing debt
Live with complete financial integrity
Start saving and investing for long-term financial wellbeing
Develop a generosity plan that will improve your life while growing in faith
Most importantly, you will learn how financial discipleship can change your life! Faith & Money Matters is not only for those in debt; it is for anyone who wants to manage their money in a way that grows their faith rather than detracts from it.
Faith and Money Matters will be offered at St. Tom's in small groups beginning on Mondays from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. Led by Dcn Dan Finn and wife Georgana, an information session will take place on Monday, Sept. 30, and classes will meet for six consecutive weeks. For questions or to enroll, contact Deacon Dan Finn, at [email protected] or (240) 393-8180