It seems the moment you mention that you’ve wondered about being a nun or a priest, word spreads like fire. People stare at you from the corners of their eyes, waiting to see you suddenly dressed in a black cassock or a veil. So why tell anyone? Besides, won’t God just reveal it to you anyway?
Whether you are called to celibacy or marriage, one thing is clear: discernment does not just happen. It is not thought out. Discernment is lived out. The most important step is to bring it to the community. But to whom exactly? We certainly don’t want to be unduly pressured by parish communities desperate for young religious, and we already feel enough influence from our materialistic, “free” culture.
In response, St. Tom’s provides the opportunity for students and young adults to speak with priests and religious in a calm and confidential environment. Our only hope is that you are given the wisdom and clarity to freely answer God’s call, whether it is to marriage, the single life, or the life of consecration.
Our discernment group typically meets every other Tuesday, when Purdue is in session. We usually begin with some time of quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, followed by a discussion on a pre-determined topic.
Additionally there are discernment opportunities that happen throughout the semester and even in the summer. One such opportunity is the Dominican “Come and See” weekend. Click the image to the right for more information.
For more information or to talk to someone about joining the discernment group, contact Fr. Brent Bowen, O.P. at